Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World
Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World
Civilian Protection, Defense, Tikkun Olam

Saving Lives with IAI ELTA’s Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) System

Saving Lives with IAI ELTA's Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) System

“Iron dome” – Iron Dome radar at night

Photos: IAI ELTA

The ability of nations to maintain the integrity of their territorial airspace and protect civilian populations from attack is a cornerstone upon which sovereignty rests. But recent events around the globe demonstrate how the proliferation of dangerous weapons technology challenge this crucial effort. Ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, crude unguided rockets, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and even commercially sourced drones endanger civilians and undermine social and economic stability.

It is therefore no surprise that governments invest tremendous resources to establish and maintain protective systems. The effectiveness of this effort is ultimately dependent upon the ability to generate an accurate, up-to-date national air situation picture (NASP). To maintain an effective NASP it is imperative that defense system have the ability to quickly detect, identify and classify all aerial traffic and distinguish between actual threats and innocent targets – tasks made increasingly difficult as new threats evolve and multiply.

The proliferation of compact, low and slow-flying platforms are testing the ability of radar systems to detect, track, and classify all relevant threats. Moreover, the continuing growth in worldwide aviation has resulted in a far denser national aerospace, further complicating this effort.

“MMR1″– Iron Dome Radar on site

To answer these difficult challenges IAI’s subsidiary ELTA Systems Ltd., a division of IAI (IAI-ELTA)., offers the class leading ELM-2084 Multi-Mission Radar System (MMR). This highly advanced system employs the latest Israeli developed technologies and unique processing techniques to deliver lifesaving performance. These are not empty words: MMR has proven its mettle over literally thousands of interceptions of rockets and missiles aimed at Israel’s civilian population, in its role as the main sensor of the Iron Dome Air Defense System. Along with IAI-ELTA’s formidable Green Pine anti-ballistic missile radar, MMR supports Israel’s national warning system, providing precise warnings that enable citizens to enter protected areas in time. The system is also in service with leading defense organizations worldwide, including NATO members.

MMR is a state of the art full AESA (Active Electronically Steered Array) radar designed to efficiently contend with multiple challenges and threats. It fully supports multi-system integration, including connectivity and interoperability with NATO and national command and control centers. MMR provides quicker and more accurate detection and tracking of threats; a higher level of target classification, identification, and recognition; and better target discrimination capabilities to safeguard the safety and security of civilian populations and national infrastructure.

Established in 1967, IAI- ELTA. specializes in the design, development and production of advanced systems and sensors for air, land, sea and space applications. As Israel’s national radar house, IAI-ELTA supplies an exceptionally wide array of high performance systems, from the tactical to strategic levels.

For more Information:, MMR







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