Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World
Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World
Agriculture & water, Consultants, Tikkun Olam

Farmentor: Driving Agriculture Projects Toward Success

Farmentor: Driving Agriculture Projects Toward Success

Nina Lehmann, Founder and CEO of Farmentor, Explains How Her Hands-On Agricultural Project Management approach Help Farmers Achieve Their Goals


A hub for top expert consultants on a wide range of agricultural and environmental issues. Farmentor


Photos: Farmentor

Nina Lehmann, Founder & CEO of Farmentor, how did you start Farmentor?

During my years working for the government, I witnessed many times the failure of agricultural development projects, which were carried out by international aid organizations.  My idea was to use familiar development tools together with the involvement of the business sector, thereby emphasizing the economic feasibility of agricultural development.

What is Farmentor?

Farmentor is a hub for top expert consultants on a wide range of agricultural and environmental issues and on a wide array of fields of expertise, including soil management, water management, field crops, livestock and more. Our holistic approach allows us to create tailor-made programs, to manage conflicting needs and interests that are part of any large and complex agricultural project and apply economically feasible planning, according to budget limitations.


Our experts are well versed at developing and applying tools and methods for handling current and future consequences of climate change, and provide ongoing, comprehensive planning, implementation, consultancy, training, and education both online and on premises, throughout the entire project’s lifecycle.

Our pool of experts can respond to all stages of the value chain.

We have gathered only high-level agronomists and engineers who have gained their experience and knowledge from academic institutions, R&D farms, government organizations, the private sector, and from extensive practical experience in Israel and overseas, including work in developing countries.

Our expertise is sharing knowledge and experience while adapting these to local conditions that include growing conditions, market demands, and economic capabilities.


What is the uniqueness of Farmentor?

Our experts are all about transferring knowledge. We are not in the business of selling equipment; our sole commitment is to our client and to the success of the project. The recommendations can include purchasing from various parties considering project requirements: service availability and spare parts, local regulation etc.

The work plan of a long-term project includes human capacity which is based on local experts to ensure sustainability.


What are the services provided?

  1. Turnkey projects – from planning to implementation, on premises and online training and ongoing consultancy.
  2. Project planning and business planning for agricultural projects.
  3. Online courses – tailor-made, led by top experts.
  4. Consultancy services on demand.


About Nina Lehmann

Nina Lehmann is an agricultural development expert with over thirty years’ experience working for the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nina led projects in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, focused on overseas training programs and agricultural development cooperation.


For more information:


Tel: +972-50-6241458






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